Language Schools programmes Orbetello for an adult

Orbetello - Language Schools programmes Orbetello for an adult

Orbetello lies on the Tuscan coast in the heart of the Maremma region of Italy. It is less than two hours from Rome, Florence, Siena and Pisa. It is a pearl in Costa d'Argento, in the centre of a sparkling lagoon and is joined to the Argentario promontory by two long, golden sand dunes, known as the Tomboli della Feniglia e della Giannella. These spectacular dunes offer visitors miles of enchanting beaches.

See courses and prices for language Schools programmes Orbetello for an adult

Language Schools programmes Orbetello for an adult: 1

Language Schools programmes Orbetello for an adult ORBITlingua - Orbetello - Orbit Lingua

Our school of Italian language and culture offers courses to students of all ages and different nationalities, in a convivial and friendly atmosphere created by our teachers and by all our staff. Additionally we organise a carefully studied and varied programme of extracurricular activities,…[More about Orbit Lingua Orbetello]

Our advice 4 / 5

  • Minimum age : 16