Language Schools programmes Cadiz for an adult

Cadiz - Language Schools programmes Cadiz for an adult

Cádiz belongs to autonomous community of Andalusia. The Bay of Cádiz is located in the south of Spain. Because of its location, it is almost completely surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean with only small portion that borders the Mediterranean Sea. Thus, its climate half Mediterranean and half Atlantic.
Cadiz is a city with a long history. It was founded by Phéniciens in about 1100 B.C. and is the oldest city in the west. Many cultures passed through there, including the Greeks, the Romans, the Visigoths, the Arabs, and many more. It was conquered by Alphonse X the Wise in 1262, where he built a Christian cathedral on the sight of an old Arab mosque.
Cadiz, with 3.000 years of history, is the capital of the southernmost province of Europe, with is a maritime city full of light. The Walls of the Puertas de Tierra clearly separate the modern part of the city from the historical old city which has narrow streets, and cozy spaces. The heart of the old city is a historical unit where you find all of the principal monuments. As the most commercial zone, ideal to carry out all kinds of shopping, Caleta Beach, that lies on the reefs and boasts the splendid beaches of Victoria, Santa Maria del Mar and Cortadura.
This is not just a beach town, though, The focus often settles on the spectacular and grand castles of Santa Catalina and Saint Sebastian. The new city, on the other hand, has modern buildings and avenues, but still retains its beautiful seaside walkways.

See courses and prices for language Schools programmes Cadiz for an adult

Language Schools programmes Cadiz for an adult: 1

Language Schools programmes Cadiz for an adult CLIC - Centro de Lenguas e Intercambio Cultural

Explore this wonderful city of Cadiz, university town known for blending tradition and modernism.
Our school in Cadiz, thanks to its location on the seafront, you will study Spanish in exceptional circumstances and you will enjoy a very pleasant climate.[More about CLIC Cadiz]

Our advice 4.5 / 5

  • Minimum age : 17 and 13 for certain programs