Summer School Astur - Baviera for kid

Summer School Astur - Baviera for kid (Augsbourg in Germany)
Bavaria is the ideal place to learn German : this beautiful region offers a magical setting for the young people who wish to learn German while having fun.
The Astur Summer Camp, located in the heart of the old city is very comfortable and well orgniased : the students will discover German culture and meet other students from all over the world!

Augsburg is the third economic pole of Bavaria ( just after Munich and Nuremberg) and one of Germany's oldest cities, its foundation can be traced back to the Romans. Only one hour away from Munich by car, people enjoy living in Augsburg: life here is filled with many activities and offers various centres of interests. Furthermore, the university gives an atmosphere of youth to the town. Augsburg is a beautiful and rich city that leaves no room for boredom.
The youth hostel is situated in the old town and offers an excellent starting point to discover the Renaissance town.

  • Environment : Town Center
  • Accreditations:

Our advice 4.5 / 5

This summer programme for teenagers has been organised by very experienced professionals. Security, health and safety are absolute priorities for the team, everything is done to make sure that the students will enjoy learning German.
The strong point of the centre : 40% of the students are German students who are studying French or English and who are taking part in the activities with the International students. The ideal mix for a successful culural exchange!

Summer School Astur - Baviera kid Pedagogy