Programmes Brisbane for a college student

Brisbane - Programmes Brisbane for a college student

Brisbane, Australia's third-largest city, is the capital of the Queensland, the state most visited by tourists.
Brisbane is a cosmopolitan city, young and full of energy, ideally situated between the famous “Gold Coast “and the “Sunshine Coast”, with close proximity to the Great Barrier Reef. Brisbane offers numerous activities that take advantage of both cultural and natural resources, such as theaters, museums, the opera, beaches, animal reserves, and more.
The city center is surrounded by tropical landscapes, and has an ideal climate almost the entire year, which will ensure an enjoyable study abroad experience.

See courses and prices for programmes Brisbane for a college student

Programmes Brisbane for a college student: 2

Programmes Brisbane for college student Teacher’s Home Language Course - Brisbane area

The overall objective of this program is to make rapid progress in the language, with special emphasis on improving oral ability. As always, students play an active role in family life, joining in on conversation at mealtimes, meeting new people and experiencing the culture of the country. [More about Immersion in the teacher’s home Brisbane]

Our advice 5 / 5

  • Minimum age : 8

Programmes Brisbane for college student Langports- Brisbane

Langports believes in getting to know their students on a personal level, both as people and learners. They have created a community where students find it easy to make new friends and have the confidence to live comfortably in their new environment.
The school is in a magnificent building located in…[More about Langports Brisbane]

Our advice 4.5 / 5

  • Minimum age : 16