Live with your teacher and take individual, one-on-one courses adapted to your level and personal needs. This is a full immersion program!
Spanish courses in the teacher’s home

There are many excellent reasons to learn Spanish:
Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world and more than 350 million people speak Spanish as their native language. The demand to learn Spanish has doubled in the last ten years. In 15 years, there may be as many as 500 million people speaking Spanish in the world.
There are more than 30 million people speaking Spanish in the United States and that number increases every day.
Every year more than 55 million tourists visit Spain, which makes it the second most visited country in the world.
Spanish is also one of the languages most frequently used in international business.
Spanish is the official language in 21 countries and also in the EU, Unesco, UNO, GATT, etc.
Study abroad programs in these countries are the best way of diving in the heart of the Hispanic culture...
Language courses in the morning are combined with athletic activity in the afternoons.
Language courses are combined with an lively calendar of cultural activities. This is a proven way to truly appreciate culture and language.
These are study abroad programs which help you stay young at heart! These programs are specially conceived for the 50+ student who wants to study a language and to discover a new culture and country at the same time.
Spend your summer or spring vacation abroad with other kids, learn a language, and have fun!