Mini Group Course in Ireland for high school student

Mini Group Course in Ireland for high school student

Small group courses are ideal for you if you are really motivated, yet do not have a lot of time to study.
This training guarantees a maximum amount of progress in a short amount of time. Courses are organized in a seminar style with a maximum of 6 students.
The course will help you develop your general English skills in several key areas, including conversation, listening, reading and grammar.
The intensive course option also offers a business option.

This programme "Mini Group Course in Ireland for high school student" can be held at a in private teacher’s home and the main purpose is : Small group intensive courses

For English, also available for more destinations: England, Malta, South Africa

Interactive approaches to studying are emphasized, and are based on role-playing games, case studies, groups conversations and analysis of cultural relations. Teachers use contemporary documents and the media, particularly television and the internet, to facilitate learning.

Minimum level required: Elementary