Brighton Language College for family

Brighton Language College for family (Brighton in England)
At Brighton Language College, our academic standards ensure that you get the optimal learning experience with our courses that have been developed to help you learn more effectively. With BLC's communicative approach to language training you acquire the essential skills & strategies to accomplish your goals.
Studying with us provides you with the best tools for your future goal. You will be able to implement all that you have learnt with us to acheive the best and brightest future for you.

Brighton Language College is situated in the city centre, our school overlooks The Royal Pavilion and is 2
minutes from Brighton Pier. Our great location means that you are studying in central Brighton with all the
city's delights next to your school.

  • Environment : Seaside, Town Center
  • Accreditations:
    British Council

Our advice 3.5 / 5

Brighton Language College is the right choice for many international students who choose Brighton as their preferred study destination. BLC is a college with character, uniqueness and individuality, a place that provides a range of carefully structured courses that cater for all your language learning needs.

Brighton Language College family Courses and prices

Brighton Language College for family (in England)

Family Course

This is a great opportunity for both parents and children to take advantage of a family language program abroad! This program’s popularity grows every year. It’s a relaxing way for the whole family to enjoy a nice vacation in London while benefiting from English courses at the same time!
While their children are at school in the morning, parents and other adult family members have the option of taking a course at Frances King. This course takes place in our Gloucester Road school in Kensington.

Brighton Language College family Pedagogy

Our staff members are dedicated to helping you reach your targets and making the most of your stay with
us and in Brighton. Our multi-lingual team are here to assist you, encourage you and inform you of all the
opportunities you have here.