Programmes Cape Town for a college student

Cape Town - Programmes Cape Town for a college student

Cape Town is a unique city, and a very popular destination for travelers of any age because of its natural beauty and cosmopolitan atmosphere.
Situated on the sea and at the base of Table Mountain, this city is considered one of the most picturesque places in the world. Its multicultural population provides an atmosphere where you can appreciate all the neighborhoods, as well as the culture of the city.
Cape Town has a great deal of incredible assets and activities to do, from listening to the song of the whales to its historic sites. The students who opt for English courses in Cape Town will have the opportunity to see a safari in a nature reserve or go on a whale watch, where they can observe the animals in their natural habitats.

See courses and prices for programmes Cape Town for a college student

Programmes Cape Town for a college student: 2

Programmes Cape Town for college student Teacher’s Home Language Course - Cape Town area

The overall objective of this program is to make rapid progress in the language, with special emphasis on improving oral ability. As always, students play an active role in family life, joining in on conversation at mealtimes, meeting new people and experiencing the culture of the country. [More about Immersion in the teacher’s home Cape Town]

Our advice 4 / 5

  • Minimum age : 8

Programmes Cape Town for college student LAL Cape Town

The frame is incredible and the strategic position of the LAL school in Cape Town allows students, who want to discover new horizon and improve their English, to live a unic experience. The school have the advantage to have an on-site residence which allows students to attend their yards in a…[More about LAL Cape Town]

Our advice 4.5 / 5

  • Minimum age : 16