Spanish Language courses for professional purpose in language school

Spanish Language Schools for a professional

Study abroad programs specially designed to study specific vocabulary for business or medicine.

With this program, you have the opportunity to study specific and specialized vocabulary.
Typically, this option includes general language lessons followed by studying specialized vocabulary.
Course intensiveness depends on the needs of the participants.

2 Course(s) Spanish Language courses for professional purpose in language school - Ages +25 years

Spanish Language courses for professional purpose in language school

Spanish Course + Business Spanish Course

The main objective of this program is to help students better understand Spanish and communicate with confidence, especially in business situations.
This course introduces key business concepts, and develops practical skills that can be used in real business situations. These skills include, but are…

Spanish Language courses for professional purpose in language school

Teacher Training Program

This is a refresher course for foreign language teachers that also provides an opportunity for teachers to enrich their knowledge of the language by having direct contact with the culture of the country, and interaction with fellow teachers from other countries.