Study French and stay on a college campus

Study and stay on a college campus

Summer study abroad programs on a college or university campus are a perfect solution to how to spend your summer. Programs can be from 2-6 weeks long and allow students to learn in a lively environment surrounded by activities, sports, culture, and other students their age. This program is less intensive, less concentrated on classic courses, and primarily targeted towards juniors and teenagers.
Certain programs have a closed campus policy, which ensures that kids will be under constant adult supervision.

2 Course(s) Study French and stay on a college campus

Intensive summer campus programme for Teenagers

Intensive summer campus programme for Teenagers

This program is perfect for teens. It offers teens the opportunity to discover a campus lifestyle abroad for the summer.

Summer campus programme for Teenagers

Summer campus programme for Teenagers

This program is perfect for teens. It offers teens the opportunity to discover a campus lifestyle abroad for the summer.