Study Italian and stay on a college campus

Study and stay on a college campus

Summer study abroad programs on a college or university campus are a perfect solution to how to spend your summer. Programs can be from 2-6 weeks long and allow students to learn in a lively environment surrounded by activities, sports, culture, and other students their age. This program is less intensive, less concentrated on classic courses, and primarily targeted towards juniors and teenagers.
Certain programs have a closed campus policy, which ensures that kids will be under constant adult supervision.

1 Course(s) Study Italian and stay on a college campus

This programme "Study Italian and stay on a college campus" can be held at a in campus and the main purpose is : Summer camps - summer schools

Summer campus programme for Teenagers

Camp d’été Bella Italia pour adolescents

This program is perfect for teens. It offers teens the opportunity to discover a campus lifestyle abroad for the summer.

During summer, university students give up their place and allow teens to be accommodated and take advantage of the facilities on a campus.
Courses take place on the campus.
Students will live in an international atmosphere with the other young people from the whole world.

The program includes:

  • Accommodation on the campus
  • Language lessons
  • Books and materials
  • Afternoon or evening activities, and if specified, weekend excursions

The activities program may change depending on the particular campus.
Teenagers are not supervised 24 hours a day and will have a lot of free time.

Minimum level required: Elementary

This type of course is also offered in the following languages: English, French, Spanish