English courses in Language Schools

English courses in Language Schools

Learn English worldwide with indispensable language study programs.
Proficiency in the English language has became an invaluable skill as evidenced by the many manufacturers, academics and politicians who speak it. English has an essential role in economy, in sciences, in technology, in culture and in media all over the world. In France, 96 % of the children choose to learn English during their studies.
Although 700 million people speak English in the world, it is the native language of only half of them.
Studies led by English researchers at the University of Vienna in Austria, have found that it is essential to study the oral aspects of the language in order to use English as an international means of communication.
All of the schools presented on this site apply this method of learning English by emphasizing communication.

89 Course(s) English courses in Language Schools

English courses in Language Schools

One-to-One Course

This program offers personalized teaching in individual language courses in order to accomplish specified goals in a short amount of time.
This is the perfect option for those who have certain goals or a time limit. It is particularly useful for professionals who would like to prepare for a…

English courses in Language Schools

Combined Course

This program combines group language courses in the morning that encourage students to interact and help a student to improve practical communication skills. The individual language classes in the afternoon allow you to concentrate on your areas of weakness and on things that interest you…

English courses in Language Schools

English for 30+

This programme is for all students 30 years or older. It gives you the chance to take lessons with other mature students.

CLIC - Centro de Lenguas e Intercambio Cultural - Cadiz

English Language Learning Programme in Spain

This type of program allows students to study English in a non-English-speaking country. Teachers are usually native speakers of the language taught or teachers qualified to teach the language.

Institut AlphaB - Alpha B - Nice

French for 30+

This programme is for all students 30 years or older. It gives you the chance to take lessons with other mature students.

English courses in Language Schools

Standard Course

This program is recommended for those who wish to learn a language and also be able to do other activities. Improve your communication skills through application in a variety of everyday situations. This course enables you to improve your grammatical knowledge, your vocabulary and your…

English courses in Language Schools

Intensive Course

Both the standard and intensive language course increase your general knowledge of the language, and allow you to acquire everyday communication skills. The intensive language course is great for those who prefer a more focused and intensive environment in which to learn a language.
An intensive…

English courses in Language Schools

Mini Group Course

Small group courses are ideal for you if you are really motivated, yet do not have a lot of time to study.
This training guarantees a maximum amount of progress in a short amount of time. Courses are organized in a seminar style with a maximum of 6 students.
The course will help you develop your…

English courses in Language Schools

Mini Group Course - Business English

Choose a small group course to focus intensively on your own needs.
A mini group course is ideal for highly motivated people who have only a short period of time to study. You will improve your speaking and listening skills, and correct and develop what you have already learned.
This training…

English + Football

English + Football

English courses in Language Schools is a summer program designed for juniors from 7 to 17 years old who wish to associate language courses with soccer practice .
This formula allows to improve faster language skill through a sports activity.

English + Sports

English + Sports

Combine your studies on our English courses with sports and cultural activities .

English courses in Language Schools

English + Surfing

This program is designed for those who wish to combine language lessons with their favorite sport.
Improve your skills in surfing and practice your English in a fun way. Here you will have the opportunity to study abroad and surf!

Spanish + Golf

Spanish + Golf

This program combines 20 morning Spanish lessons and 10 afternoon golf lessons per week. Here students will have the opportunity to study abroad and play a sport!

Spanish + Surfing

Spanish + Surfing

This program is designed for those who wish to combine language lessons with their favorite sport.
Improve your skills in surfing and practice your English in a fun way. Here you will have the opportunity to study abroad and surf!

Spanish + Tennis

Spanish + Tennis

This program combines 20 morning Spanish language lessons and 10 afternoon tennis lessons per week. Here students will have the opportunity to study abroad and play a sport!

Italian + Discovering Rome

Italian + Discovering Rome

This course gives you the opportunity to lean Italian and discover the unequalled artistic and archaeological patrimony of the city of Rome.

English + Dance

English + Dance

Practice your English in a fun way !
Combine English lessons with dance classes and improve in both areas simultaneously. Here you will have the opportunity to study abroad and enjoy a great activity!

English + Cinema

English + Cinema

This program provides students with the opportunity to study English in the morning, and to participate in particular activities in the afternoon. This is a specialized interest program that allows participants to focus on something that truly interests them, such as cinema and film.

English courses in Language Schools

“Young leaders” summer programme

This program provides students with the opportunity to study English in the morning, and to participate in particular activities in the afternoon. This is a specialized interest program that allows participants to focus on something that truly interests them, such as cinema and film.

English + Music

English + Music

This program provides students with the opportunity to study English in the morning and to participate in specialized activities in the afternoon.
In addition to standard English classes, students will receive instrument instruction each week.

Spanish and Salsa Dancing

Spanish and Salsa Dancing

This program includes:

  • 20 lessons per week of general Spanish language practice with an emphasis on four main disciplines including reading, writing, speaking and listening with grammar exercises and vocabulary development
  • Aspects of Spanish culture are introduced progressively as deemed appropriate…
English + Fashion

English + Fashion

Do you like fashion?
This is the right program for you if you want to learn English while improving your skills and your experience in a professional sector that interests you. This is a specialized interest program that allows participants to focus on something that truly interests them!

English courses in Language Schools

Spanish and Cooking

This is a 2 week program that combines general Spanish courses including 20 language lessons per week, with cooking lessons, and visits and activities related to food and wine.
Students will have cooking classes, followed by dinner twice a week, discussions about local food and wine, local food and…

Italian + Roman Archaeology

Italian + Roman Archaeology

This program is a combination of general language courses and an introduction to Roman Archaeology. This program allows you to develop not only your language level, but also your knowledge of the customs and traditions of Ancient Rome. This is a great linguistic and cultural program!

English courses in Language Schools

Italian + History of Italian Cinema

These courses combine general language courses with courses on the history of Italian cinema
This is a great linguistic and cultural program!

English courses in Language Schools

Italian + Italian Cooking and Wines

This course combines classes on Italian language, general language comprehension and learning about Italian cuisine and wine from both a theoretical and a practical point of view. This is a great linguistic and cultural program!

English courses in Language Schools

Italian Language + Arts, Design or Photography

The program combines Italian lessons in the morning, and art and design courses in the afternoon. This is a great linguistic and cultural program!

English courses in Language Schools

Spanish + Flamenco Dancing

This program offers the opportunity to combine a general Spanish language course with a Flamenco dancing workshop where there will be professional flamenco dancers to teach students technical and cultural aspects of this incredible art form. This is a great linguistic and cultural program!

English Christmas program

English Christmas program

The one or two week Christmas program is designed so that participants may enjoy traditional Spanish celebrations and work on their language skills at the same time. This is a great linguistic and cultural program!

English courses in Language Schools

University Preparation Courses

This program helps students develop the academic and language skills they need to successfully enroll in a degree program at a university abroad.

English Language Company - City - ELC - Sydney

Working Holiday Program

This program is only for people who have a working holiday visa.
It is an ideal program for improving your English while also gaining international professional experience in the hotel, tourism and/or hospitality business.

English courses in Language Schools

Language Course + Training

The internship program has been designed specifically for students and professionals of intermediate or advanced level who wish to improve and put into practice their language skills with a true work experience in an American environment.

English courses in Language Schools

Study and work experience

You must have a sufficient language level to be able to work and live in the country in order to acquire a real multicultural experience.
Combining studying and working abroad is the best way to truly know a language and the culture that accompanies it.

Celtic English Academy - Cardiff

BULATS preparation

BULATS stands for the Business Language Testing Service.
The test is carefully designed to be suitable for a wide range of people at work – technicians,
secretaries or managers, in banking, in education or in manufacturing, in administration, research or marketing. It does not require any previous

English courses in Language Schools

TOLES Preparation course

The TOLES is highly regarded professional legal test of English, and is broadly recognised by legal and professional organisations.

English courses in Language Schools

German Exam Preparation (ZD, ZMP, ZOP, DSH, TestDaf)

This program is for those who wish to improve their general language skills, and evaluate their language level with an official exam or test.

English courses in Language Schools

Preparation of HSK Exam (Chinese Proficiency Test)

This program is designed for those who wish to combine language lessons with preparation for an official langauge test.
The Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) is a national standardized test that assesses proficency in the Chinese language proficiency of non-native speakers, including foreigners,…

English courses in Language Schools

TOEFL Preparation Course

The Intensive TOEFL Preparation Course is designed to help students acquire the skills and confidence necessary to get a high TOEFL score.
TOEFL is recognized throughout the world by universities and businesses as a measure of English proficiency. A high TOEFL score is required of international…

English courses in Language Schools

TOEIC Preparation Course

The English for International Communication test (TOEIC) evaluates an individual’s ability to use English in an international work environment.
Over 5 million people have taken the TOEIC test . More than 2.000 international companies use TOEIC scores for English language assessment and employee…

English courses in Language Schools

IELTS Preparation

The IELTS test meets the highest international standards of language assessment and a great indicator of Enlish language proficency. It covers the four basic language skills: listening, reading, writing and speaking. IELTS is recognized by universities and employers in many countries, including

English courses in Language Schools

English + IELTS

This program allows you to perfect your English while also preparing for the IELTS, which is designed to assess the language ability of people who need to work or study where English is used as the primary language of communication. IELTS is accepted by educational institutions in the United Kingdom…

English courses in Language Schools

General English + TOEFL Preparation

This program allows you to perfect your English, while also preparing for the TOEFL. The TOEFL test measures the ability of non-native English speakers to use and understand English as it is spoken, written, and heard in college and university settings.
You will take the standard language class in…

English courses in Language Schools

General English + TOEIC Preparation

This program allows you to perfect your English while also preparing for the TOEIC. The TOEIC test measures the ability of non-native English-speaking people to use English in everyday work activities as well as their language proficency.
You will take a standard language class in the morning and…

Institut AlphaB - Alpha B - Nice

DELF Preparation Course

The DELF is an official examination of French language administered by the Ministry of Education.
This diploma is recognized in numerous countries.
All non-native French speakers who are looking for certification of their level of French language may take this test.

English courses in Language Schools

FCE Preparation Course - First Certificate in English

The FCE indicates level of English proficency and practical use in clerical, secretarial and managerial jobs in many industries, particularly tourism, where contact with English speakers is required. Successful candidates must have the ability to handle routine letters and telephone inquiries.

English courses in Language Schools

CAE Preparation Course - Certificate in Advanced English

CAE is ideal if you want to work or study abroad or if you wish to follow a career path that requires strong language skills (e.g. business, medicine or engineering).
Upon passing the exam, you will receive a certificate that indicates your language proficency, This certificate is awarded by…

English courses in Language Schools

CPE Preparation Course - Certificate Of Proficiency in English

The CPE test is ideal if you want to work or study abroad, or if you want to develop a career that requires language skills (e.g. business, medicine or engineering) Upon passing the exam, you will receive a certificate awarded by the University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations. The CPE certificate is…

English courses in Language Schools

Long-term Courses - 3 to 5 Months

Studying abroad is something that many think about doing. Adding an international dimension to your curriculum is a great accomplishment. With an open mind and positive attitude, you will benefit every time!

English courses in Language Schools

Semester Program Abroad

Studying abroad is something that many think about doing. Adding an international dimension to your curriculum is a great accomplishment. With an open mind and positive attitude, you will benefit every time!
A standard course is generally less than 22 hours a week.

English courses in Language Schools

Intensive Semester Program Abroad

Studying abroad is something that many think about doing. Adding an international dimension to your curriculum is a great accomplishment. With an open mind and positive attitude, you will benefit every time!
An intensive course is generally more than 22 hours a week.

English courses in Language Schools

Academic Year Abroad

Studying abroad is something that many think about doing. Adding an international dimension to your curriculum is a great accomplishment. With an open mind and positive attitude, you will benefit every time!

English courses in Language Schools

Academic Year Abroad - Intensive Program

Studying abroad is something that many think about doing. Adding an international dimension to your curriculum is a great accomplishment. With an open mind and positive attitude, you will benefit every time!
An intensive course is generally more than 22 hours a week.

English + Marketing & communication

English + Marketing & communication

This course will give you an introduction to the UK's approach to marketing, advertising and public relations through an accessible series of talks, fun group discussions and exciting guided visits to places of interest.

English courses in Language Schools

Business English Course

The main objective of this course is to help you to understand English, and to improve your ability to communicate in the language with confidence, especially in business scenarios.
This course introduces key business concepts and topics, while allowing you to develop practical skills within real

English courses in Language Schools

Business German

This program combines German business vocabulary with everyday life German to add to a student’s business career or business studies. Students will be able to develop speaking and writing skills in German, and be able to use German in an international business context.
The main objective of this…

English courses in Language Schools

Communication Skills for Bankers

This is a linguistic program that allows for extensive study in language and finance. Individuals will benefit from this experience because they will be grouped with people with the same interests and similar goals.
This type of course is designed for people in the legal world, including students who…

The London School of English - Kensington - London

English for Engineers

This course allows for engineers to develop their ability to explain, discuss, advise, effectively participate in business meetings, and make technical presentations in meetings.

English courses in Language Schools

English for Medicine

This course is for doctors, nurses, pharmacists, psychologists, physiotherapists, midwives, other medical professionals and medical students in the clinical phase of their studies. This is a specialized language program that caters to your professional needs!

English courses in Language Schools

Mini Group Course - English for Law

This program offers highly intensive learning in groups of 8 students. This course in designed for law students, and recently qualified lawyers. The program is adapted to reflect the needs and interests of each individual.

English courses in Language Schools

English Language for Law

A language program allowing you to intensively study the language used in the legal sector while benefitting from a group dynamic of students with the same interests. The type of class addresses diverse aspects of the juridical world: students and professors practice.

English courses in Language Schools

General English + Business English

This program offers the student both general English language courses and courses in English used frequently in a business setting.
The main objective of this program is to help students understand English, and improve their ability to communicate with confidence, especially within a business

English courses in Language Schools

Spanish Course + Business Spanish Course

The main objective of this program is to help students better understand Spanish and communicate with confidence, especially in business situations.
This course introduces key business concepts, and develops practical skills that can be used in real business situations. These skills include, but are…

Italian + Business Italian

Italian + Business Italian

This program offers students both general Italian language courses, and courses in Italian for a business environment.
The main objective of this course is to help students, understand Italian and to improve their ability to communicate with confidence, especially in business scenarios.
This program…

English courses in Language Schools

One-to-One Business Course

This progran offers personalized teaching in order to reach your own specific goals in a short period of time.
This is the perfect option for those who have specific targets or a time limit, and is particularly useful for profesionals who would like to prepare for a presentation, negotiations or a…

English courses in Language Schools

Combined English Business Course

This is a combination of general group courses in the morning, and individual business courses in the afternoon.

English courses in Language Schools

Teacher Training Program

This is a refresher course for foreign language teachers that also provides an opportunity for teachers to enrich their knowledge of the language by having direct contact with the culture of the country, and interaction with fellow teachers from other countries.

English courses in Language Schools

English for Adults 40+

Intensive English course in small group for adults ages 40 and up. There is a guided sightseeing tour of London in the afternoon and optional weekend excursions.

English courses in Language Schools

English for Adults 50+

Intensive English course in small group for adults ages 50 and up. There is a guided sightseeing tour of London in the afternoon and optional weekend excursions.

Institut AlphaB - Alpha B - Nice

French for Adults 50+

This course is designed for the 50+ student and combines French language classes and study of French culture.
These language courses are ideal for mature students who wish to combine a language course with a range of cultural activities and excursions, mixing exclusively with students of a similar…

English courses in Language Schools

Family Course

This is a great opportunity for both parents and children to take advantage of a family language program abroad! This program’s popularity grows every year. It’s a relaxing way for the whole family to enjoy a nice vacation in London while benefiting from English courses at the same time!
While their…

Summer Campus Program + One-week Trip

Summer Campus Program + One-week Trip

A program for 15 - 18 year old students that gives them the opportunity to live and study in an American University campus followed by a one week trip to discover a region and its famous attractions.
A way to complete a language course with cultural activities and touristic discoveries.

English courses in Language Schools

Summer courses for young adults

A summer course designed for young adults who want to benefit from language courses with supervised activities but not to be placed with teeanagers.

Summer School ENFOREX - Marbella Elviria - Marbella

Summer Campus Program for Children

This program for 7-13 year olds offers the opportunity to discover a campus lifestyle abroad, while learning a language through games and fun actvities.
This student abroad program offers kids the opportunity to live in an international atmosphere with other young people from all around the world.

Summer Camp for children and teenagers

Summer Camp for children and teenagers

This program is perfect for youngsters. It offers the opportunity to discover a campus lifestyle abroad for the summer.

Intensive summer campus programme for Teenagers

Intensive summer campus programme for Teenagers

This program is perfect for teens. It offers teens the opportunity to discover a campus lifestyle abroad for the summer.

Multi activity Summer program for Teenagers

Multi activity Summer program for Teenagers

This program is perfect for teens. It offers teens the opportunity to discover a campus lifestyle abroad for the summer.

English courses in Language Schools

Summer campus programme for Teenagers

This program is perfect for teens. It offers teens the opportunity to discover a campus lifestyle abroad for the summer.

English courses in Language Schools

Summer language program for Teenagers

This program is perfect for teens. It offers teens the opportunity to discover a campus lifestyle abroad for the summer.

English courses in Language Schools

Summer programme for mature students

This program is perfect for mature students. It offers the opportunity to improve their language level in the morning and to participate in activities in the afternoon. The activities are conduted by monitors.
As participant are not minors, they arte free to participate or not in the proposed…

English & Football with Tottenham Hotspur- Benenden school - OIEG - Kent

Summer Campus Program for Teenagers

This program is perfect for teens, and offers the opportunity to discover a campus lifestyle abroad for the summer.

Chichester College - Sussex

School integration

Discover the life of young people with the same age in a country you learn the language and have the opportunity to live in a family and share their everyday life.
You’ll have the opportunity to improve your language skills and many more things useful for the continuation of your academic cursus:…

English courses in Language Schools

Term, Semestre or Academic Year Abroad

Studying and living abroad for a term or academic year is seen as an adventure for most students.
Studying at either a public or private school offers more than classes; programmes such as study skills, motivation and social activities complete the timetable.